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OHI Leadership and Staff


We are a small group of dedicated individuals committed to the success of our members—owners or prospective owners of private Outdoor Hospitality destinations and industry suppliers in the United States and Canada.

Meet the Team

Paul Bambei

Paul Bambei — President and CEO

David Basler

David Basler — Chief Strategy Officer

Suma Girish

Suma Girish — Accounting Manager

Destiny Cortez — Administrative Coordinator

Emily Stanley

Emily Stanley — Communications Strategy Manager

Heather Rubenaker

Heather Rubenaker — Member Programs Manager

Jaqueline Gloria

Jaqueline Gloria — Vice President of Operations

Jeff Sims, CPO, OHC

Jeff Sims, CPO, OHC — Senior Director, State Relations and Program Advocacy

Jen Zolkos

Jen Zolkos — Member Programs Manager

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Connect With Jen Zolkos
Jeremy Carr, OHM

Jeremy Carr, OHM — Business Development Manager

KC Chowdhury

KC Chowdhury — Senior Manager of Technology

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Connect With KC Chowdhury
Krystine Harris

Krystine Harris — Vice President, Finance and Information Technology

Riley Wilson

Riley Wilson — Senior Manager of Marketing

Susan Motley, CAE

Susan Motley, CAE — Vice President of Member Programs

OHI Board of Directors

Joe Moore, CPO, OHE (Chair)
Moore’s Campground Consulting

Jim Button, OHE (Vice Chair)
Evergreen Campsites

Charles Amian, CPO, OHC (Second Vice Chair)
Pismo Coast Village RV Resort

Bert Davis, OHC (Immediate Past Chair)
Dells Camping Resorts

Jeff Hoffman (Treasurer)
JAH Consulting

Brian Saunders, OHM (Secretary)
Pinewood Lodge Campground

Robert Bouse
Business Forum Representative/ Travel Resorts of America

Kathy Dyer
Partnering State Representative/ Maine Campground Owners Association

Jon Gould
Treehouse Communities

Tyler Grim
Canyon Country Campground

Barb Krumm, CPO, OHC
Ocean Lakes Family Campground

Karen Kymer
Kymer’s Camping Resort

Ed Miller
Rush No More RV Park, Resort, Cabins & Campground

Michael Moore, CTE
Supplier Council Representative/ AGS Guest Guides

Terry Munoz, CPO, OHC
OHI Foundation Chair/ The Retreat RV & Camping Resort

Lance Pitre
Lakeview Park & Beach


John Sheedy
Park Brokerage

Kitty Winship, OHP
Papoose Pond Family Campground

Jed Wood
Blue Rocks Campground